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Prove your skills by taking our certification exams!
Test your skills now! Get ready for coursework to help you develop them.
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Tech Courses
The courses will start with two tracks: Administering Servers, and Administrating Control Panel Server from the Command Line.
Sales Courses
Sales exams cover the features, benefits, and technical usage of Arivisti Hosting Panel services.
Systems Admin
You will show your abilities utilizing our provided scripts, troubleshooting common issues, and safely making decisions that effect an entire server.
Arivisti University was developed to provide those supporting and selling Arivisti products and services with an opportunity to become certified with Arivisti.
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Arivisti Programs
Putting the web to good use.
for students
Our student plans include everything you need bundled into one low price for as long as you keep the account active.
for faculty
We make it easy for instructors to build their own portfolio and get familiar with the tools their students can use.
for institutions
Through our Arivisti Garage, all qualifying organizations can enjoy the world’s best web hosting services free of charge.
Our certification exams let you know you have qualified personnel. Our soon to be released coursework will be great for filling in the gaps in your employees knowledge and on-boarding new members of your team.
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